Saturday 21 February 2009

Good Bye Bangkok.. Hello Chiang Mai...

The ancient wall surrounding Old Town Chiang Mai.

We left for Chiang Mai at 10.30am...
or at least that was the plan but the taxi didnt turn up until 10.45am
... and then we got trapped around the University because the bloody graduation was still going on (apparently the King makes an appearance) - not good when your flight gate closes at 12pm and it takes about an hour(ish) to the airport.

Chiang Mai
Having arrived and checked in and nicely wheeled my trolley over some poor backpackers foot.. I think we managed the ultimate walk around Old Town Chiang Mai and Downtown Chiang Mai,
The pace is much calmer than Bangkok and it feels more like a holiday resort.. the prices are also double Bangkok too..

Pira Singh (main temple).
Stack of cow pats with a mini Buddah on.
(Not really.. apparently it's the grave of the guy who built Chiang Mai).
  • Thapae Gate
  • Ratchadamnoen Road (Street Market)
  • 3 Kings Monument
  • Chiang Mai Art Museum
  • Pira Singh (main huge temple)
  • Silver Temple (Srisuohan)
  • Wua Lai Road Saturday Street Market
..finally arriving 4 hours later (with a very sore arse and legs from all the walking) at Changklan Road - otherwise known as the Night Bazzar.
Changklan Road (Night Bazzar)

  • Red coconut lemon grass curry at 'Lemongrass'
  • Far too many temples to mention...
..I think I'm about templed out.. where's the bar?

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