Wednesday 18 February 2009

The Nicest Thai Food in the World...

Khaosan Road.

So after departing a dreary Manchester airport and a short stop over in Abu Dhabi, we finally made it to Bangkok...

Aside from the heat hitting you like a ton of bricks (and the hairy taxi ride into the city), the place stinks like rotting eggs. However the lovely Thai food on Kraisri road (the next road along from the famous Khaosan Road - backpackers road) made up for it!!

  • The nicest food on Kraisri Road (Pad Thai & Chicken fried rice to be exact)..
  • Khaosan Road
  • Foot massage on Jakra Pong Road (1.50p for half an hour!! - bargain, and a great just before bed, and after a few singha's - beer :-) )

Oh.. and elephants walking around the streets - feed them peanuts and they will cross their legs and take a bow!

Elephants in the street.

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