Friday 6 March 2009


We're now in Krabi (in case you hadn't guessed from the title).

There wasn't much to say about Koh Lanta - it's probably more of a
honeymoon destination, and we stayed in the resort for food too.

Side note - we've eaten in the nicest restaurants and spent a load of
money on really bad food and eaten in the most basic dirty run down
sheds and the food has cost peanuts and been out of this world.

Wise Buddah says "Dont judge a book by it's cover." ;-)


After the sleaziness of Phuket, the noise of Phi Phi and the quietness
of Koh Lanta I feel like goldi-travel-locks, Krabi is just right. It
has the perfect mix of day & night life without being too
commercialised and has a beautiful White sandy beach. There's also
some great cheap food stalls.

And the best bit...

... I've talked Bev into a Thai cookery course tomorrow (should be
fun, she hates cooking!). Tell you more tomorrow - the rain is coming
and it's like a monsoon out there.

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