Saturday 7 March 2009

Thai Cookery


It really was a monsoon last night, all of our stuff was soaking wet through. And by all our 'stuff' I mean the 5 dresses Bev bought when we went shopping before bed. (I admit it, I bought a few things too - god damn those cheap fakes!!)

Thai cookery course

I couldn't believe it either, but I have video and photographic evidence - Bev actually cooked (and her food tasted great too!).

We got picked up from our hotel and headed towards Krabi town, and after all the jokes about cooking dog our group (6 of us) cooked 7 Thai dishes in total, including spring rolls, salad, soup, rice, curry paste, curry, noodles and dessert. I know that's 8 but you can't cook curry without curry paste.

It was such a great, although hot & sweaty, day, I just feel bad that after a full day of tasting Thai food, herbs, spices & sauces, all I could think about was a big fat portion of fish, chips, peas & gravy.

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