Tuesday 3 March 2009

That evil Ibiza bar.

I know I know... It's self inflicted, no sympathy etc., but I swear
that lbiza bar is evil.

To back track, last night we decided if you can't beat them, join
them. It didn't help that a friend of ours was over from Ibiza dj'ing
at tiger bar (here on the island) so we went to see him and discovered
they were doing 2 for 1 buckets.

When they say buckets, they literally mean filling your bucket with
ice, redbull and vodka and sticking a straw in it - then there were
the free buckets at 12am. Rat arsed isn't the word, we then went on to
the beach party and headed back when the sun came up at 5am.

So I'm sat having a moccha frappucino (how gay does that sound!) and
not moving from the pool with a promise never to do it again...

...until next time.

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